Occurrence (occupied grid cells) of wolves in Germany in the 2022/23 monitoring year
Please note: in maps or query modules only important key words or the legend are translated.
Nachweise gem. Monitoringstandards = Evidence according to monitoring standards
Rasterzelle mit nachgewiesener Reproduktion = Grid cell with proven reproduction
The German wolf occurrence map is based on data that have been classified as evidence (e.g. picture, genetically confirmed sample) or confirmed hint (e.g. documented find of tracks). Hints that cannot be verified (sightings, vocal expressions) or that have not been documented properly are not included in the map.
A 10x10 km grid cell is considered as occupied (green colour) in a particular monitoring year when at least one evidence of wolf occurrence or three independent and verified hints of wolf occurrence can be assigned to that grid cell. Grid cells in which reproduction has been confirmed for a particular pack for the first time in that monitoring year are marked with a rhombus. When wolf territories border each other directly, it is possible that reproduction of more than one pack is located in a single grid cell.
A monitoring year refers to a twelve month period beginning on May 1st and ending on the 30th of April of the following year. Counting in this way allows for the biology and reproductive cycle of the wolf to be taken into account.
Map: 10x10 km EU grid ETRS89 LAEA
Geodetic date: ETRS89 = European Terrestrial Reference System 1989.
Projection: LAEA = Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area.
This projection is used for the European-wide display in 10x10 and 100x100 kilometre grids.
The map only contains information that has been assigned to SCALP categories 1 (C1) and 2 (C2).
SCALP - Status and Conservation of the Alpine Lynx Population
C1: facts, evidences of wolf occurrence (“hard facts”):
capture of live animals, dead wolves, genetically confirmed sample, picture, telemetry
C2: confirmed hints (“soft facts – confirmed”):
incidents like kills or tracks that have been confirmed by an experienced person
Further information can be found in the chapter on SCALP criteria